
To join the casino means to create an account so that we have the necessary to accept money from you and to send you your checks. All this consists of is filling information fields with the information we require.

You will access the join form bu clicking on "Start" in the top menu bar.
From there you will follow the instructions on "Step 1" and fill in the information fields with you personal information.

User Name: This is a simple and short name which our software will refer to you by. This name will be necessary when loging in (entering the sofware) so please remember that piece of info.

Password: This the other piece of information you should remember since you will need it when loging in. It should be atleast 6 characters long. Try and choose something you can remember. The password should not seem too obvious, it should not be something anyone could find like the name you a pet, for example.

Re-enter Password: re-enter the exact same thing as in the previous field. This will allow us to make sure you have not commited an error in typing you password.

First Name: Your first name. This information is necessary because we are transfering money to you and you to us.

Last Name: Your last name (familly name). This information is necessary.

Birth-Date: The month (in 2 digits), day (in 2 digits), and year (in 4digits) you were born writing in with no space or seperators. (example: 03101975 is March 10, 1975). This information is necessary to make sure you are of legal gambling age.

Email: An e-mail adress where we can contact you. If you do not have one, you can create free e-mail accounts in sites such as or This information is necessary so that we can reach you easilly and quickly. The software also uses this to communicate certain informations with you.

Street: The street number and name of that street, as well as appartment number if applicable. This information is necessary so that we can send you via standard mail, the checks constituting your winnings.

Province/State: Enter if applicable. If the country in which you live has subdivisions which are necessary to include to sen you mail, please let us know which you live in. The information may be necessary depending on your situation.

Country: Please select a country from the alphabetical list. The information is necessary. Sorry to all canadiens, local laws prevent us from accepting your application.

Postal Code/ZIP: Please enter the postal code necessary to reach you through mail. This information is necessary, depending on your situation.

Home Phone No.: Please include the phone number where you can be reached when at your personal residence, with area code (10 numbers from 0 to 9). This information is useful to us should there ever be any problems with your account or reaching you through e-mail should not be possible.

Work Phone No.: Please include the phone number where you can be reached when at your place of work, with area code (10 numbers from 0 to 9). This information is useful to us should there ever be any problems with your account or reaching you through e-mail should not be possible.